Patient Reviews & Feedback

Mr Kamaldeep Singh

I had been going for periodic visits to my doctors in Australia and in PGI Chandigarh for a while and had been informed by my doctors that I need immediate transplant surgery for my kidney given the seriousness of such illnesses and high infection rate in ailments. My sister who is registered healthcare professional in Australia gave me recommendation for Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan at Fortis Healthcare given that waiting list for transplant was long both in Australia and in PGI. From the moment I first visited Fortis Healthcare to today Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan, I was welcomed with prompt analysis of my health and was advised that I would need transplant surgery as soon as we could find a donor. Thanks to the guidance provided by staff at Fortis we found a swap case by Dr Ranjan’s team coordinators, just in few days expediting the whole waiting period dilemma I had been surrounded by elsewhere. Tests required for surgery and meetings with their committee at hospital were carried out just in one month despite the paperwork required by government rules and regulations, soon I received a date for appointment for surgery which was a relief for me. Since I am very young in age we were convinced about the benefits of Robotic Kidney transplant, which is the most precise and refined technique for the transplant . During my surgery every modern equipment as needed and available at hospital was used, I received a robotic kidney transplant which is the most modern and the best healthcare modality for transplant that anyone could imagine in a Hospital, be it in Australia or India. After surgery I was taken to ICU where I received good treatment by the clinical team at hospital which fastened my recovery, thus I was discharged sooner than I had imagined. Never during my stay at hospital did I ever feel anything lacking on the part of Fortis but love all around. It has been two months since my surgery now and I feel better than ever before in my life as healthy as I wished myself to be. I visit my doctor periodically now, every time as welcomed as my first day at Fortis by both staff at hospital and ever so loving Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan. It is true that words can’t describe emotion however I have felt each of these and many more during this testing time of my life.

KS kalra, 60 years, Mohali, Punjab

Being diabetic for the last 35 years, I developed hypertension and acute kidney nonfunctional issues. It was very painful to get dialysis twice a week. Looking at deteriorating health, I decided to go renal transplant asap. Then we had to look for certain important aspects like-

1. Identifying my potential Kidney donor
2. Search for highly skilled Renal transplant surgeons.
3. Quality Hospital with modern facilities and supported by passionate staff for post operative care .

Since I was longstanding diabetic and my age was also around 60, We as family searched extensively in cities like Delhi and Chennai to have the best facilities and expertise. Looking at the expertise, logistics and difficulties in follow up process, we zeroed in on our local hospitals in tricity. Out of all the local hospitals in Tricity, We decided to go with Fortis hospital Mohali . In the process we met Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan , the renal transplant surgeon to understand the options for surgery, who was diligent enough to offer us the option of a Robotic Kidney transplant. On getting the clear understanding of Robotic surgery , we were able to take the final call and all related formalities were initiated. Since we did not have the same blood group donor in our family, swapping was considered as the best option and Dr Ranjan’s team helped us in preparation for the same. Now It is almost 2 months when I was operated for robotic kidney transplant surgery by Dr Ranjan . The benefits of robotic surgery were clearly evident from the day one as there was only one small cut with few holes on stomach which started healing so fast that hardly any post operation pain was there and recovery truly happened at very quick pace. The experience is so relieving and satisfactory with all parameters like creatinine , Urea and salts are well within normal range. The surgery through robotics technology has shown unbelievable & remarkable distinction over the normal surgery and has surpassed our expectation whatever was promised to us. Needless to say, Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan is highly passionate and skilful transplant surgeon with magical hands. Robotic transplant surgery has clear cut edge over conventional open transplant surgery with key results like- smaller cut ( almost one fifth), less blood loss, least pain, faster recovery and no side effects or no infection. Post operative care in Transplant ICU was excellent and I was discharged from hospital early as expected . Will Highly recommend the Robotic kidney transplant surgery over the conventional one with technologically advanced SMART technique by Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, who is the best among medical fraternity.

Saravjeet singh
(Resident of Haryana)

Robotic kidney transplant: Offering hope in times of despair

Seeing a father walking with his son and daughter would not have been out of the ordinary, had it not been for the fact that the man basking in his children’s love was recently a waif confined to the bed by disease and pain

An ordeal of pain and despair

Kidney disease had wracked Saravjeet Singh, a resident of Haryana. Long hours in hospital and perpetual fatigue robbed him of his vitality. His body was ravaged by disease and dialysis.

Diversions and distractions

As he falls silent, his daughter Rayman narrates how they roamed all over the country looking for a cure. When it became clear that a transplant was necessary, the desperate family fell prey to profiteers.
“We went to a hospital in Tamil Nadu, thinking that they would certainly cure my father. They said they would transplant a kidney taken from a cadaver, for which they had to wait. However, the wait stretched longer and longer. They kept making excuses,” she said.

Hope dawns

takeaway is the smile on my patients’ faces when they get up, eat and walk around the next day. As a doctor, I have to give my best to my patients and let Mother nature take care of the rest. A robot enables me to give my best to my patients in terms of precision while minimizing the surgical trauma to their body to have them recover uneventfully,” said Dr Ranjan. Saravjeet smiles when he talks about his meeting with Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan. “When it seemed that there was no hope, someone told us about Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan. He told us about the robotic kidney transplant technique. I went for it. It turned out to be a lifesaver for me,” he said, beaming.

How did the robotic kidney transplant help him?

“There was no big incision, no major muscle was cut, I did not lose a lot of blood, there was almost no pain and I was back on my feet the next day. It was unbelievable,” he smiled. Saravjeet is getting up and about, connecting with friends and focusing on work.

A healing touch

Looking at his patient with a satisfied smile, Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan explains how the new technique has brought normal life within the reach of kidney patients. “This would not have been possible without a robotic kidney transplant. The technique, with the flexible robotic arms that have much more scope of movement than human fingers, affords a quick and clean procedure that heals faster. Limited hospital stay and faster recovery also minimizes the economic and physical toll of the procedure. For me, the biggest

Mr Kamaldeep Singh

I had been going for periodic visits to my doctors in Australia and in PGI Chandigarh for a while and had been informed by my doctors that I need immediate transplant surgery for my kidney given the seriousness of such illnesses and high infection rate in ailments. My sister who is registered healthcare professional in Australia gave me recommendation for Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan at Fortis Healthcare given that waiting list for transplant was long both in Australia and in PGI. From the moment I first visited Fortis Healthcare to today Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan, I was welcomed with prompt analysis of my health and was advised that I would need transplant surgery as soon as we could find a donor. Thanks to the guidance provided by staff at Fortis we found a swap case by Dr Ranjan’s team coordinators, just in few days expediting the whole waiting period dilemma I had been surrounded by elsewhere. Tests required for surgery and meetings with their committee at hospital were carried out just in one month despite the paperwork required by government rules and regulations, soon I received a date for appointment for surgery which was a relief for me. Since I am very young in age we were convinced about the benefits of Robotic Kidney transplant, which is the most precise and refined technique for the transplant . During my surgery every modern equipment as needed and available at hospital was used, I received a robotic kidney transplant which is the most modern and the best healthcare modality for transplant that anyone could imagine in a Hospital, be it in Australia or India. After surgery I was taken to ICU where I received good treatment by the clinical team at hospital which fastened my recovery, thus I was discharged sooner than I had imagined. Never during my stay at hospital did I ever feel anything lacking on the part of Fortis but love all around. It has been two months since my surgery now and I feel better than ever before in my life as healthy as I wished myself to be. I visit my doctor periodically now, every time as welcomed as my first day at Fortis by both staff at hospital and ever so loving Dr. Priyadarshi Ranjan. It is true that words can’t describe emotion however I have felt each of these and many more during this testing time of my life.

KS kalra, 60 years, Mohali, Punjab

Being diabetic for the last 35 years, I developed hypertension and acute kidney nonfunctional issues. It was very painful to get dialysis twice a week. Looking at deteriorating health, I decided to go renal transplant asap. Then we had to look for certain important aspects like-

1. Identifying my potential Kidney donor
2. Search for highly skilled Renal transplant surgeons.
3. Quality Hospital with modern facilities and supported by passionate staff for post operative care .

Since I was longstanding diabetic and my age was also around 60, We as family searched extensively in cities like Delhi and Chennai to have the best facilities and expertise. Looking at the expertise, logistics and difficulties in follow up process, we zeroed in on our local hospitals in tricity. Out of all the local hospitals in Tricity, We decided to go with Fortis hospital Mohali . In the process we met Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan , the renal transplant surgeon to understand the options for surgery, who was diligent enough to offer us the option of a Robotic Kidney transplant. On getting the clear understanding of Robotic surgery , we were able to take the final call and all related formalities were initiated. Since we did not have the same blood group donor in our family, swapping was considered as the best option and Dr Ranjan’s team helped us in preparation for the same. Now It is almost 2 months when I was operated for robotic kidney transplant surgery by Dr Ranjan . The benefits of robotic surgery were clearly evident from the day one as there was only one small cut with few holes on stomach which started healing so fast that hardly any post operation pain was there and recovery truly happened at very quick pace. The experience is so relieving and satisfactory with all parameters like creatinine , Urea and salts are well within normal range. The surgery through robotics technology has shown unbelievable & remarkable distinction over the normal surgery and has surpassed our expectation whatever was promised to us. Needless to say, Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan is highly passionate and skilful transplant surgeon with magical hands. Robotic transplant surgery has clear cut edge over conventional open transplant surgery with key results like- smaller cut ( almost one fifth), less blood loss, least pain, faster recovery and no side effects or no infection. Post operative care in Transplant ICU was excellent and I was discharged from hospital early as expected . Will Highly recommend the Robotic kidney transplant surgery over the conventional one with technologically advanced SMART technique by Dr Priyadarshi Ranjan, who is the best among medical fraternity.

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